General Science and Engineering

General science and engineering is a field that combines physics, chemistry, mathematics, communication skills, and engineering subjectsIt’s a first-year undergraduate engineering course that helps students develop critical thinking skills and scientific attitudes.

Minimum Eligibility: 
10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, within a minimum of 60% aggregate from a recognized university.
Admission Process: 
Through common entrance test or university level entrance test. Top BE Mechanical exams: JEE Main & JEE Advanced, BITSAT, VITEEE, WBJEE, SRMJEEE, MHTCET, UPSEE, etc.
Direct Second Year Engineering Eligibility:
successfully completed a polytechnic diploma engineering course or an equivalent degree from a recognized institute (approved by the Government of India) on a full-time basis.

Our Vission

“To be in the fore front in mechanical engineering theory and practice to develop successful and innovative engineers for our nation.’’

Our Mission

“To develop innovative human resources through inspired and dedicated teaching learning processes.”

Meet Our Esteemed Faculty

Prof. Neelam Banda
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.Sc.B.ed.(Physics)
Years Of Experience: 16+ years
Key Skills: Physics
Prof. Reshma Bingi
Asst. Professor mathematics
Years Of Experience: 12+ years
Key Skills:
Prof. Tejashri Patil
Asst. Professor
Qualification: Msc Bed(maths)
Years Of Experience: 05+ years
Key Skills: Research
Prof.Vijayalaxmi Swanne
Asst. Professor
Qualification: Msc Bed
Years Of Experience: 03+ years
Key Skills: Organic chemistry
Prof. Snehal Shinde
Asst. Professor
Qualification: Msc Bed
Years Of Experience: 15+ years
Key Skills:
Prof. Shilpa Gosavi
Asst. Professor
Qualification: M.A. (Eng) B edTr
Years Of Experience: 3.5+ years
Key Skills: Research